21 November 2008

momo post-it

We are working on recognizing #'s 1-20. Moses is doing great! The #'s he needs to work on are 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20. Way to go, Mo!


Miss Christy

Moses was such a good example all day today. Whenever it got too loud, he reminded the class that "it's time to be quiet." So cute!


Miss Christy

When Moses was eating his soup he said, "Yum, I love porridge." Or however you spell that word. It was so funny to me.


Miss Christy


nukkle said...

I wonder about the specific numbers. How can Miss Christy be so fabulously detailed in her formative assessments? Amazing.

Christian Asplund said...

I don't know. Miss Christy is amazing, and she has pink hair.