22 February 2009

MoMo: Prayer and Insight

Prayer in Sharing Time:

-Please bless that Jesus will have a great day

-Please bless that we won't be mean to Jesus

-Please bless that we won't die


Dialogue with Mommy:

Mo:  Why are you not the whole boss?

Mom:  I don't know.  Who is the whole boss?

Mo:  Maybe Daddy is.  You're just the teeny-weeny boss.



eliza.e.campbell said...

Moses is a combination of a medieval warlord and the Dalai Lama.

Alice Dubiel said...

Who is the boss? Why is the boss? Great questions, Moses.
Second attempt at post: Mark Bittman's column last week about grain breakfasts had the kind of food I've eaten for breakfast for years: grains and vegetables, eggs, etc. I liked the thing with polenta and spinach: his technique was better than mine, but I don't each much polenta. I have gone back to mixing grains. But this is the Korean part: bibimbap. Lately, I've added mild kimji from Uwajimaya which has more Korean food than ever. So another thing from the NYT is BigOven.com. You can check recipes even on your phone, and there are lots of Korean recipes, lots of variants because people post them.
I've put a few food notes on Twitter, since I can do it on my phone. Here's what I did for Valentine's Day breakfast (or something like it):
scallops Canlis
some kind of bibimbap
salad of mixed greens with persimmon vinegar and prepared nut mixture containing macademias, filberts, chopped dried papaya, curry spices. [Robin likes this kind of salad.]
There must be some kind of cosmic link going on: during our concert on Sunday, while Linda Strandberg was singing the planctus (Mary mourning Christ), I remembered her singing in the passion play and then thought about painting the face of Christ for the play and how the mothers in Bosnia must have felt about their dying sons; so I was crying at that point.

Christian Asplund said...

Alice, I've been making the brown rice with scallions and oyster sauce you made while in Provo for breakfast often. Bittman's breakfasts did make me think of you.

Bing said...

Ah Moses. He doesn't get enough feminists in his life. I'll hold a bra-burning FHE when I return.